Adapted from the all-new Young David animated series and inspired by the upcoming feature length animated David film, Warrior is the first book in a highly illustrated, early reader chapter book series that imagines the life of a young shepherd, highlighting the courage and compassion that would one day make him God's chosen king of Israel.

How can we defeat them when we're outnumbered ten to one?!

Repeat after me . . . Chazak Amats! Be Strong and Courageous! This is the war cry young David carries into every battle he faces. But today's enemy is not what he expected. What starts out as playtime becomes one of his most important battles yet when the life of his most vulnerable sheep is on the line. Will David's great courage and strong faith in God be enough to defeat this fierce enemy?

King David was one of the greatest leaders in history. His legacy has endured for thousands of years . . . but how did it all begin? Adapted from the all-new Young David animated series streaming on Minno Kids, and inspired by the feature length animated David film coming Summer 2025, this early reader, highly illustrated chapter book series imagines the life of a young shepherd, highlighting the character traits that would one day make him God's chosen king of Israel.

Imagine what might have happened before the powerful Bible story of David in the Old Testament. Invite children to learn the values and virtues that made David a man after God's own heart through this inspirational children's book.

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